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Recipe: Chicken and mushroom pie

Today, let's try process Chicken and mushroom pie

Friend Angel Recipelet try Chicken and mushroom pie for serving father. Process Chicken and mushroom pie easy.

Reviews Chicken and mushroom pie

Chicken and mushroom pie.

with Chicken and mushroom pie you can be new views create food menu together Family, Chicken and mushroom pie easy way process it.come on follow how to make it.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the chicken and fry until the chicken begins to turn white. Add the mushrooms and continue to fry until the chicken is golden-brown. With its flaky and buttery homemade shortcrust pastry and creamy mushroom chicken pie filling, it is a perfect savory pie for lunch or dinner.

Chicken and mushroom pie Pour into dish; top with pastry. Chicken and Mushroom Pie Stay cozy during these chilly months with the ultra creamy chicken and mushroom pie with puff pastry crust! Chicken and Mushroom pie is my ideal comfort food and the perfect meal served with steamed vegetables or mixed leafy salad.
stay tuned Angel Recipe how cookingChicken and mushroom pie.

Turns out ingredients Chicken and mushroom pie below:

  1. You Need of x chicken breasts.
  2. Set Up Here of x cans of mushroom soup.
  3. You Need of mushrooms.
  4. Prepare of small cherry tomatoes.
  5. You Need of spring onions.
  6. Prepare of an onion.
  7. You Need of x cloves of garlic.
  8. You Need of Loads of black pepper.
  9. You Set Up of garlic salt.

If you are in the mood for a beef pie then this Cape Malay Pepper steak pie is the one for you. For example, refrigerated pie crust dough is used in place of homemade dough. Potpie is a great way to use up leftover chicken or turkey, and that'll shave a few minutes off your cook time, too. Stir the cooked chicken into the cooled mushroom sauce and spoon into the centre of the pie.

Here's how to make Chicken and mushroom pie Langkah demi langkah

  1. Cook up the 4 chicken breasts in a deep pan then flake it all up. Add seasoning while cooking to taste.
  2. Roughly cut up the mushrooms, onion, spring onions. Crush the garlic and cook through. Add pepper to taste... loads of it 😁 Threw in some broccoli for good measure.
  3. Add 2 tins on mushroom soup and mix it all up..
  4. Right... now I'm in new territory... puff pastry. Used frozen sheets... defrost and roll out to cover the required dish. Had to improvise as I don't own a rolling pin 😉.
  5. Added a few additional bits of pastry... then glazed with some egg... again, had to use a paint brush... as you do! 😁.
  6. Pop in a preheated oven on medium high for 35 mins... but keep an eye on it.
  7. Pull out half way through cooking and spin the dish around.
  8. Pull out, let the pie settle... then enjoy 😉.

Moisten the edge of the pastry with water and place the second circle of pastry on top. Trim the edges and press the edges together to seal. Make a slit in the centre of the pie and use the pastry trimmings to decorate the top. If it's lower than that, the butter will start to leak out of. Season the chicken with salt and pepper. .

Chicken and mushroom pie Already ready too

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