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Recipe: Cheesy Béchamel Sauce Penne Pasta

Today, let's try make Cheesy Béchamel Sauce Penne Pasta

Friend Angel Recipecome on try Cheesy Béchamel Sauce Penne Pasta for serving father. for cooking Cheesy Béchamel Sauce Penne Pasta simpel.

Overview Cheesy Béchamel Sauce Penne Pasta

Cheesy Béchamel Sauce Penne Pasta.

with Cheesy Béchamel Sauce Penne Pasta father can be inspiration create food menu with Family, Cheesy Béchamel Sauce Penne Pasta easy way cook.come on follow process of making it.

Cheesy Béchamel Sauce Penne Pasta
stay tuned Angel Recipe how cookingCheesy Béchamel Sauce Penne Pasta.

Turns out ingredients Cheesy Béchamel Sauce Penne Pasta are:

  1. You Need 1 lb of penne pasta.
  2. You Set Up 3 tbsp of butter.
  3. You Need 2 tsp of minced garlic.
  4. You Need 2 tbsp of flour.
  5. You Need 1 cup of milk.
  6. You Set Up 2 tsp of Mixed herbs(dried parsley/ Italian seasoning/ Oregano).
  7. You Need 1 cup of grated Parmesan/ Mozzarella cheese.
  8. You Need to taste of salt and pepper.
  9. You Need 4 cups of water.
  10. You Need 1 cup of Mixed Veggies(carrot, beans, bell pepper, mushrooms).
  11. You Set Up 1 tsp of chili flakes.
  12. You Need 1 tbsp of olive oil.
  13. Prepare 1/2 of chopped onion.

Here's how to make Cheesy Béchamel Sauce Penne Pasta Langkah demi langkah

  1. In a large pan, add 4 cups of water, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp oil and let it boil well. Then add the pasta, cook as per the package instructions..
  2. Once pasta is cooked, strain it using a strainer and rinse it once under cold water and keep it aside..
  3. Melt butter in a medium pan, add garlic, onion and saute for 1 minute over medium heat..
  4. Then add Veggies and saute for about 3-5 mins. If you want veggies to remain crunchy. Remove the veggies from pan and set aside..
  5. Meanwhile in another large sauce pan, melt 1 tbsp butter and 1 tbsp olive oil, add 2 tbsp flour and stir well without forming lumps. Then add 1 cup milk(you can add 1/4 cup little heavy cream as well) and mix well..
  6. Once you get creamy consistency, add 3/4 cup cheese, mixed herbs, pepper,salt,chili flakes and Cook until sauce boils and thickens..
  7. Stir in the boiled pasta and the sauteed veggies. Toss until the pasta and veggies are coated with the sauce. Taste test and adjust the seasonings at this point. Serve white sauce pasta immediately out of the pan with more grated parmesan cheese if needed. Tastes best when fresh. Enjoy!.


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